Monday, December 6, 2010

The Lights Of Christmas

Yesterday was the day...and a perfect one at that, for a scenic drive and and evening of outdoor meandering among 'the lights of Christmas'.  We set sail from Abbotsford, with 38 passengers on board the Bakerview bus...with our trusty driver, Frank!  It seemed the US custom officers were a little suspicious of our rowdy looking bunch...and detained a few among us for a closer look at their paperwork.  Dutch papers are always a little suspect!  We had the foresight to leave our mandarin oranges back in Abbotsford...though it would surely have been nice to have an orange feast en route.   The drive to Stanwood, Washington and Warm Beach Camp was a memorable one.  With snow-capped peaks against the clear blue sky, a most awesome sunset a little later, and very warm's a ride we won't forget.  (The heater on the bus worked a little too well, and it felt rather like a sauna inside!).

Though the GPS is usually most totally let us down yesterday.  It informed us 'we had reached our destination' when we were still many miles away  with not a clue where to go.  After a few u-turns...we had an officer tap on the bus driver's window while at a red light.  He asked if we were heading for Warm Beach Camp...and then told us where to go.  He said he had been following us since the Sumas border crossing and had figured we were lost.  Do angels come in officer's gear?  From there on it was easy to find!

And what a find it was!

These are a few of the light displays we passed by...

...on our way to the first venue.

We took in a concert at the Joyland Concert Stage shortly after our arrival...

...a fabulous production called "Uff Da! It's Christmas".

Though we may not have any Scandinavian blood in our veins...
I think we could all identify with the performers as they shared the importance of tradition in the celebration of Christmas.

We wandered about the grounds...
had Ivar's clam chowder...
or fried chicken...
and mini-donuts, of course.

Can you even imagine how long it took to hang all the lights? 
It takes over 800 volunteers to make this event happen every December. 

It is an amazing display...

...and so worth the trip to Warm Beach Camp!

We listened to the carollers...

...and warmed our hands around the fire when the need arose.

And at the very heart of the light display was the nativity scene.  

Jesus..the light of the world!

Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Lights of Christmas ~ Warm Beach

Join Rendezvous
for a 'Lights of Christmas' tour
at Warm Beach Camp, Stanwood Washington
on Sunday, December 5th

Meet at the church at 2:30 pm.
We will carpool to Bakerview Church in Abbotsford...
...and then travel by coach to Stanwood Washington.
Approximate return time ~10:30 pm

Tickets are $25 each  (includes transportation and admission)
...available at the 'welcome centre' on Nov. 21st and 28th...
or from Judy Wiebe.

A variety of  food can be purchased at the event.

Passports are mandatory!

More than 1 million Christmas lights will be displayed, a spectacle spread over 15 acres at Warm Beach Camp.  Visitors can amble through seven uniquely themed light display areas, shop for gifts made by local artists, or gather at one of the many warming fires.  Five entertainment stages will feature nightly performances from local music and theater groups.  Food concessions will offer a variety of hot drinks, snacks, desserts and dinner entrĂ©es.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Brunch at the Trillium ~ Minter Gardens

The food was good... was the fellowship around the tables. 

And once we had all had our fill...

...some of us wandered the gardens.

All had a camera in hand.
Can one ever have too many pictures of Minter Gardens?

It was a pleasnant and relaxing Rendezvous outing...
on a Sunday in fall.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brunch at the Trillium

Rendezvous’ Sunday Buffet Brunch
@ The Trillium Restaurant 
Minter Gardens
October 3rd
@ 1 pm

Enjoy a lunch of home baked goods, fresh platters and seafood, crisp salads, roast vegetables, hot waffles, eggs benedict, sausages & bacon, special entrees, a dessert buffet…and so much more.  $17.95 plus taxes and gratuity.

* * * *

Take the opportunity to stroll the gardens after lunch…if you wish. 

* * * *

To reserve your spot at the table, sign up at the info center or contact Judy Wiebe at 604-792-2322 or Lenora Esau 604-792-7383.

 * * * *

Rendezvous events are designed for those in their forties, fifties and sixties…but are not exclusive!  

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hicks Lake Picnic

Hicks Lake is located just north of Harrison Sasquatch Provincial Park. 

Some come to hike...some to fish...and we came to picnic.

That means good food...

good fun
(those balls are not supposed to be on the ground!)...

...and good fellowship.

After cancelling our picnic due to rain last time it was on the agenda...
we were happy to have the weather co-operate...
and even saw a little sunshine.
It was all good!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rendezvous Summertime Picnic 2010

Rescheduled to August!

 This is your invitation

to the


Summertime Picnic


Sunday, August 8th
@  5:00 pm
Hicks Lake Day-use Picnic Area

Travel through the town of Harrison Hot Springs and follow signs northeast on Rockwell Road for about 11 km to the Sasquatch Park entrance.
Continue another five km within the park on a well-maintained gravel road to Hicks Lake.

Please Bring:
Picnic food contribution for a potluck picnic.
Pop, coffee, etc.
 Lawn chairs, bocce, croquet, etc.

We will provide:
Eating & drinking utensils, table cloths, napkins and drinking water.

Hike the Hicks Lake Loop Trail…

If it happens to be a nice day, this would be a great opportunity to hike the loop trail around the lake earlier in the afternoon. 
It is about a 4 mile hike…a leisurely 90 minute walk…with lovely views.  

For more information call Judy @ 604-792-2322 or Lenora @ 604-792-7383

 Rendezvous is a Central social ministry targeting those in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s…
but if you are beyond that and wish to join us…you are welcome!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fraser River Paddlewheeler Cruise

The mighty Fraser it is often called...flows through our valley and out to the ocean in Vancouver.

For the most part we look for order to cross to the other side. Yesterday we decided to travel on the river...rather than over it! We filled an entire busload with Rendezvous'ers who were all ready to explore the river...

...buttonholed Frank into driving the bus...ordered up some sunshine and blue skies especially for the day...and drove out to the pier in New Westminster. There we boarded a paddlewheeler riverboat...and began our excursion.

There's nothing like a narrated river tour to learn a little (a lot) about the river we cross over so often. The Fraser River begins as a clear stream some nine hundred miles from here...near Mt. Robson. It is still known as the number one salmon river in the world...though we know salmon stock have been dwindling in recent years. We saw fish jumping...and even a harbour seal as we cruised the river.

Yesterday we passed beneath the bridges. It was a whole new perspective!

Some even opened up as we approached!

Though the river was not exactly a hub of activity yesterday...we saw freighters being unloaded...

...and lumber being towed upstream.

And off on the side channels...we passed by entire villages of houseboats.

Some came with appropriate 'The White House' pictured above.


...and men riding logs...all part of our Fraser River experience.

And for those who might be interested in real estate on the banks of the river...a row of quaint homes had some appeal.

We had a lot of laughs...

...and took a lot of photos.  It was all good!

Several hours later we were back in New Westminster...after a most enjoyable afternoon on a paddle wheeler riverboat...and with a much better idea of what actually happens on the Fraser.
From our vantage point midstream...we also noticed a bike path along the shore. Maybe we'll check that out one day.

Soon we were back at the pier...

...and bidding farewell to Frank...our trusty tour guide from Paddlewheeler Riverboat Cruises.

Oh...and our trusty bus driver was also a Frank. was a good Sunday outing. I'd recommend it!

 Be sure to board the bus next time!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Paddlewheeler Riverboat Cruise

Join Rendezvous on a
Riverboat Cruise
on the
Fraser River
on Sunday, April 25th.

Travel with us by carpool to 
New Westminster Quay
…where we will begin our cruise.

Departure: 1 pm (from Central)
Return: 7:30 pm

Tickets: $35 each…
will be available in the foyer on April 11 & 18.

* * *

For info call Judy 604-792-2322 or Lenora 604-792-7383

Monday, February 15, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Opening Ceremonies Party

The games are on! And we had a little Rendezvous celebration to get them started.  It's always more fun watching a big event surrounded by friends...and so we planned an 'opening ceremonies' party for Friday night. Our hosts for the eveing...really got into the spirit...and fabricated a set of Olympic rings to decorate their home. The International Olympic Committee has not yet come calling to have them removed...and they are quite a hit in their neighbourhood!

Since the opening ceremony started at 6 o'clock...which is about the time some people arrive home from work...the party was planned for a little later. The opening ceremonies were all recorded on PVR and so we just watched them slightly delayed. A great system...failproof...especially since it is easy to fast-forward through any or all commercials.

There were some thirty of us gathered around the big screen...making frequent trips to the buffet table...and enjoying the fabulous show taking place in Vancouver. The big question for some time has been...'who will be the final torch bearer?' It was top secret...and so we waited for the grand finale. How thrilled we all were to see Rick Hansen...the Man in Motion...bringing the flame into the stadium. And how special to involve some of Canada's finest Olympic athletes in joining together to light the torch. We watched as the four of them approached centre stage...and then we waited...and suddenly it seemed like something must not be going according to plan. Steve Nash looked uncomfortable...Nancy Green Rain waved at the crowd...and the CTV announcer informed us that there seemed to be a problem with the Olympic cauldron's hydraulic system. Now we were all getting a little the seconds ticked by.

And at that very moment...our pre-recorded PVR program ended. The recorder had been set to record the scheduled program...but the opening ceremonies went overtime. NO! So there were were...all wondering if the Olympic torch actually got lit...and who had the honours.

After all that build-up...the last chapter was missing! We quickly resorted to the internet to determine that the flame was indeed lit...and that Wayne Gretzky had the honour of carrying it the final leg of the journey. Good choice...don't you think?

What a memorable evening it was. Good food...good friends...and a celebration that had no ending! Sorry if you weren't able to join the Vancouver 2010 Opening Ceremonies will never happen again.  But be sure to watch for our next event.