Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Vancouver Christmas Market

The Vancouver Christmas Market is back for the second year...
located on the front plaza of Queen Elizabeth Theatre.

We picked the perfect afternoon to head into the city...
and experience the German Christmas Village for ourselves.

From traditional European decor and entertainment...

to a wide variety of  foods and mulled ciders...
they had it.

We sampled this and that...
from Swiss raclette to German pasta.
And when we had seen it all...
and were chilled through and through...
we found a nice Canadian cup of coffee nearby to warm us up for the trip home.

Though the Christmas village was quite lovely...
the trip there and back by 'coach' was terrific as well.
We snacked on oranges...
chatted with friends old and new...
and sang Christmas carols in both English and German.
Thanks to our trusty driver, Frank...
for making the trip so delightful...
and relaxing!

Thanks to all of you who joined us on our Rendezvous outing today.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vancouver Christmas Market

Join the Rendezvous group
on Sunday, December 11th
for a trip to
(click on link to check it out!)

Meet at Central at 2:30 pm.
We will carpool to Bakerview Church in Abbotsford...
...and then travel by coach to Vancouver.
Approximate return time ~ 9 pm

Your ticket to ride ~ $10.
Admission to the event ~ $5.
A variety of foods can be purchased at the venue.

Please purchase your tickets in the lobby on 
Sunday, November 27th or December 4th.
Contact Judy Wiebe 604-792-2322 
or Lenora Esau at 604-792-7383

Sunday, September 18, 2011

an indoor picnic ~ Bozzinis

September can be the perfect month for a picnic...
but not this time!

We may have been rained out...
but we just changed our plans up a wee bit...
and the show went on.
A few last minute arrangements...

...had us all at Bozzinis for an indoor picnic!

The staff was most accommodating...
and we had an evening of good food...
good fun...
and warm fellowship in their 'red room'.

We got to know each other a little better.
Who would have known that Arlene mulls grapes when she shops for groceries...
or that Alex had a great-great-grandfather who hobnobbed with Darwin on the Falkland Islands?
Did you know that Ed ran into trouble with the law in Italy...
or that John spent three days and nights in his truck in a snowdrift near Burns Lake? 
I think we need to meet like this more often!

We'll keep you posted...
for the next Rendezvous event.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rendezvous Summertime Picnic...

 Due to un-summerlike weather today...

we have decided to cancel the picnic and dine indoors instead.

 Join us this afternoon, September 18th at 6pm...

at Bozzinis (corner of Hocking and Yale).

* * * * *

  This is your invitation

to the


Summertime Picnic

 Sunday, September 18th

@  4:00 pm
Bridal Veil Falls 
Meet at the grassy field below the picnic area.

Please Bring:
Picnic food contribution for a potluck picnic.
Pop, coffee, etc.
 Lawn chairs, bocce, croquet, etc.

We will provide:
Eating and drinking utensils, table cloths, napkins and drinking water.

Hike to the falls…

before or after our picnic.
 It's a leisurely 15 minute walk.

For more information call Judy @ 604-792-2322 or Lenora @ 604-792-7383

 Rendezvous is a Central social ministry targeting those in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s…
but if you are beyond that and wish to join us…you are welcome!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hell's Gate...and back!

From voyageurs to fortune seekers...many attempted to traverse the waters of the Fraser River in years gone by...and all met their greatest challenge at a pass within the Fraser Canyon at the place we now call Hell's Gate.

The explorer Simon Fraser mapped this section of the river as his greatest challenge.  'A place where no human being should venture, for surely we have entered the gates of hell'...was what he wrote in his journal.

With the waters of the Fraser River at peak levels...we decided it was a good time for a rendezvous with Rendezvous at Hell's Gate.  We discovered there were two ways across...the tram or a hike down into the canyon and a stroll across the bridge.

Most of us opted for the tram!

Once the first car was plunged out of sight and down across the canyon.  It was rather like a large-group zip-line experience!  Most painless...however.

We also learned a few things while we were there.  Who knew that twice the volume of water flows through Hell's Gate than that which flows over Niagara Falls?  Nor would I have guessed that the water boiling beneath us was 180 feet deep.  And this is the river that is home to the world famous salmon run!  Those fish do not have it easy.

We walked the bridge...checked out the gift shop and museum...

...and felt a little of what Simon Fraser would have experienced in 1808.  We had salmon chowder and ice-cream...

...or treats from the fudge shop.  We sat next to the roaring river and enjoyed our goodies and each other's company... 

...and soon the last tram car was heading for the other side.  It seemed no one was too eager to spend the night at Hell's Gate...and soon we were all homeward bound. 

Great weather, good friends, and a chance to see a beautiful piece of British was a good time!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hell's Gate Tour

Hell’s Gate Tour 

Sunday, June 12th

 Hell's Gate. Photo by Heward Smedley

Depart from Central @ 2 pm

Return about 6:30 pm
Cost: $20 
(includes transportation and airtram)

Check out the fish ladders, browse the gift shop…then have a salmon dinner, a bowl of chowder or dessert in the cafe.

Purchase tickets at the info center on May 29 or June 5th.

Call Judy Wiebe (604-792-2322) 
Lenora Esau (604-792-7383) for further information.

Rendezvous events are designed for those in their forties, fifties and sixties…but are not exclusive!   

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Shandar Hut Experience

We came...
we saw...
we tasted!

We all said that it was good!

We caught up with friends old and new.
We had a few laughs too!
Until next time...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shandar Hut

Join us for a dining experience
at the Valley's best Indian restaurant...
the Shandar Hut.

Sunday, February 27th 
@ 6 pm

To reserve, sign up at the 'welcome centre'
or contact Judy (604-792-2322)
or Lenora (604-793-7383)